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Users′Perceptual Cognitive Scale to Bionic Products
Author(s): FU Li-fang, CHE Jian-ming, ZHOU Zhi-yong, College of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Key Laboratory Equipment Design and Manufacturing Technology, Tianjin University, Shanghai Dianji University
Pages: 96-
Year: 2015
Journal: Packaging Engineering
Keyword: bionic products; perceptual cognition scale; cosine similarity; bionic moderate;
Abstract: Taking medical guardrail bionic design as example,it researches users′perceptual cognition scale to bionic products. It establishes users′perceptual cognition constraint model on bionic products.It uses semantic differential method to quantify users′ perceptual image cognition for bionic prototype and bionic solutions of different degrees,to get the relationship among the image adjective,and put forward the using of cosine similarity as the measure of image distance.On one hand it measures users′cognitive differences on the bionic prototype and bionic solutions of different degrees,on the other hand we get users′likeability on bionic solutions of different degrees,thus it obtains the optimum bionic solution.Finally it deepens and gets the bionic products which best matches users′ perceptual cognition.This method will help designers to satisfy users′need by moderate bionic designs.
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