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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Study on the Valve Position Fluctuation of Turbine Main Regulator Valve in Nuclear Power Plant
Pages: 50-52,56
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Process Automation Instrumentation

Keyword:  Nuclear power plantTurbineMain regulator valveCoordination controlLeakageValve;
Abstract: The turbine manufactured by French ALSTOM holds a large share in Chinese nuclear power market, but the problem of frequent fluctuations in the valve position of its main regulator valve exists. The reasons of high pressure regulating oil leakage problem caused by the valve fluctuation are analyzed. In accordance with the working principle of turbine main regulator valve, and the reactor-turbine power regulating principle, the scheme of adjusting the optimized configuration characteristic curve of the main regulator valve is obtained. The revised scheme is simulated on full-scope simulator;it is able to reduce the fluctuation and ensure the stable operation of the unit. It provides significant reference for designing and constructing the reactor-turbine coordinated control of subsequence nuclear power plants.
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