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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research Progress of WGS Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Technology
Pages: 2683-2686
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Contemporary Chemical Industry

Keyword:  Flue gas desulfurizationFCCDesulphurization efficiency;
Abstract: Flue gas desulfurization is an important approach to controlling air pollutant emission and preventing acid rain. In this paper, the principle, characteristics and application of the wet flue gas desulfurization technology for flue gas desulfurization were introduced. CNPC Fushun Petrochemical Company built a wet flue gas desulfurization facility for 1.5Mt/a FCC Unit. The facility used WGS technology. The WGS operation results show that SO2 and PM removal rates are very high; The SO2 and PM emissions achieve the discharge requirements of Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum refining industry (Exposure Draft) and Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum refining industry (GB 31570-2015). The wastewater discharge reaches the requirements of Integrated wastewater discharge standard of Liaoning Province (DB 21.1627-2008). This paper can provide a theoretical basis for selection and application of flue gas desulfurization processes for different enterprises.
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