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Journal Articles
Susanna Moodie’s Identity in Roughing it in the Bush
Pages: 144-145+147
Year: Issue:  17
Journal: Overseas English

Keyword:  SusannamoodieRoughing It in the bushLacanmirror theoryidentity;
Abstract: Roughing It in the Bush is an autobiographical informal essay,which has been published for almost one and a half centu-ries.Such work that plays a significant role in English literature is recognized as the classic work in Canadian history of literature,so that it is worth being read and studied by researchers who are fond of Canadian literature.As an early Canadian immigrant writer,Susanna Moodie’s immigrant experience was recorded in Roughing it in the Bush.In this work,the evidence is obvious that Mr-s Moodie’s identity changes apparently after she has experienced the conflicts between the environment,others and herself.In or-der to understand how early Canadian immigrants dealt with the change and constructions of their identities during the period of pi-oneering in Canada,this paper tries to analyze Susanna Moodie,s identity in Roughing It in the Bush by the devices of Lacan’s mir-ror theory from the perspective of psychoanalysis.
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