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Journal Articles
Network flow prediction model based on affinity propagation clustering algorithm and sparse Bayesian
Pages: 3371-3374
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Application Research of Computers

Keyword:  network trafficaffinity propagationsparse Bayesian modelcombination prediction;
Abstract: In order to improve the prediction accuracy of complex network traffic,this paper proposed a novel network traffic prediction model based on affinity propagation clustering algorithm and sparse Bayesian.Firstly,it used the affinity propagation clustering algorithm to cluster the network traffic training set,to divided the network traffic training set into several sub catego-ries.Then it used the sparse Bayesian regression to establish prediction models for each sub categories.Finally it tested the per-formance of network traffic prediction model on specific network traffic data to the model.The experimental results show that the proposed model can obtain more ideal predict results of network traffic,the prediction error can satisfy the practical applica-tion requirement of network flow.
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