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Journal Articles
Mathematical Model, Control Strategy and PID Parameter Setting for Control Channels of Fiberglass Furnace
Pages: 34-45
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Fiber Glass

Keyword:  direct-melt process for making glass fiberscontrol channelmathematical modelcontrol strategyPID parameter setting;
Abstract: In this article, the author reviews the researches and designs on the process controls for direct-melt fiber-glass furnaces,such as the establishment of mathematical models, the execution of control strategies and the setting of PID parameters,in the period from 1975 to 2012, proposes new solutions for mathematical models of controlled objects by means of response curves, and introduces the mathematical models, control strategies and actually-used PID parameters for some control channels in the current direct-melt fiberglass furnaces, hence providing fairly com-plete informations for the configuration and commissioning of DCS control system for fiberglass furnaces.
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