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Journal Articles
Application of Modal Radiation Efficiency to the Analysis of Low-frequency Booming Noise in Mini-cars
Pages: 107-110
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Noise and Vibration Control

Keyword:  acousticsmini carlow-frequencybooming noisemodal radiation efficiency;
Abstract: The rear door of a mini-car was simplified as a 4-edge simply supported plate, and its computation model was established by means of the finite element method and boundary element method. The influence of thickness and stiffness changing of the plate and the additional mass at the abdominal point of the low-order modals on the modal radiation efficiency (20 Hz-100 Hz) was discussed. Through the analysis and rectification for the interior low-frequency acoustic performance of the car, the feasibility of using modal coupling radiation efficiency to guide the rectification of interior low-frequency acoustic features was verified.
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