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Journal Articles
Spherical Conflicts and Social Consequences of the Migrant Labour Force Regrowth—Based on the Observation of a Constructor Family's Daily Life
Pages: 10-21
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)

Keyword:  migrant workerfamily regrowthconstructorlabour regrowthrural areaurban areaincome;
Abstract: Referring to the framework of labour capacity regrowth and using the data collected based on the oral narration of migrants and field work, this research presents the experience and process of a constructor family's daily life and long term regrowth, which extends across urban and rural social spheres. The aim is to review and reflect on the macro narrations on urban and rural development through micro personal experi-ences. The research shows that the spherical conflicts between the migrant labour and capacity regrowth lie in: the use of migrant labour and the minimized regrowth of daily labour take place in the urban sphere, while the regrowth of long term labour capacity takes place in the rural sphere through income earned in the urban sphere;however, the land has lost its ability to support the regrowth of long term labour capacity under the dual pressure of urbanization and economic development. Consequently, the root of rural society be-comes fragile and the reliance upon the urban income in return intensifies the family's internal conflicts and the decline of rural society.
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