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Journal Articles
Material Folk Customs in West-Anhui Folksongs
Pages: 123-126
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: Journal of Harbin University

Keyword:  West Anhui folksongWest Anhui folk-custommaterial folk-custom;
Abstract: Folk customs is the material basis of folksongs while folksongs record and retain them.The West Anhui folk-customs in local folksongs cover a variety of aspects,among which production folk-custom is very important including agricultural production,farm tools use,agri-cultural production events,livestock or poultry breeding.Dietary custom includes the way of en-tertaining friends,local flavors as well as local tea customs.Apparel folk-custom includes the dressing style,accessories and dressing color of local women.Trade folk-custom includes two ways of market and itinerant trade .Analyzing the material folk customs in West Anhui folksongs is helpful to understand the features of folk customs in west Anhui and to master the cultural features of west Anhui folksongs.
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