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Journal Articles
Application of the Water Quality Index Assessment Method in the Comprehensive Analysis of Transboundary River Water Quality
Pages: 373-377
Year: Issue:  S1
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology

Keyword:  transboundary riverwater environment managementwater quality index assessment method;
Abstract: River water quality assessment is the basic work of the water environment management, Adopting reasonable methods to evaluate water quality in order to show the water quality of rivers, to find out the pollution sources, and to make clear the direction of governance is the urgent need for the water environment management at present. In this paper, we have used water quality index method to evaluate transboundary River water quality for the first time. By giving full play to its simple and intuitive features, it not only can reflect the changes along the transboundary river but also can find out the main sources of pollution along the river. By using the method, we can provide a strong support for our environment management.It can make us accurately grasp the river governance effectiveness. And it can clear the goal of governance. Through practice,it further proves the practical value of water quality index method in water environment management. And we suggest that it should be popularize and application.
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