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Journal Articles
Diversity of virus-like particles from salt mines in Yunnan,China
Pages: 1327-1335
Year: Issue:  10
Journal: Acta Microbiologica Sinica

Keyword:  salt minevirusdiversitybacteria;
Abstract: [Objective] For exploring and characterizing the diversity of virus-like particles from salt mines in Yunnan,China. [Methods] Virus-like particles were identified from enriched brine or saline soil samples by transmission electronic microscopy and double-layer plate,and their morphological properties were further characterized. [Results]Three types of virus-like particles,head-tailed virus,linear virus and spherical virus,were observed by using transmission electronic microscopy. Then,two Halomonas viruses and one Chromohalobacter virus were subsequently isolated from Qiaohou salt mine and Yipinglang salt mine. According to the sample sources,their morphological characteristics and the character of host strains,those viruses were named as Qiaohou Halomonas Siphoviridae Virus 1( QHHSV-1),Yipinglang Halomonas Siphoviridae Virus 1( YPHSV-1) and Yipinglang Chromohalobacter Pleomorphic Virus 1( YPCPV-1).QHHSV-1 was head-tailed virus with a diameter of 47 nm icosahedrons-like head,and an easily broken 75 nm length tail.YPHSV-1 was head-tailed virus with a diameter of 50 nm icosahedrons-like head,and a 140 nm length tail. YPCPV-1 was a pleomorphic,variable-sized( 20- 50 nm) virus,which possessed protuberances on the virus particles.
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