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Journal Articles
A dynamic study on mental health status among primary caregivers of gynecological carcinoma patients
Pages: 1147-1150
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: Anhui Medical Journal

Keyword:  SCL-90CaregiversGynecologyCarcinoma;
Abstract: Objective To investigate the dynamic changes of mental health status among primary caregivers of gynecological carcino-ma patients. Methods The mental health status of the main caregivers of 101 patients with gynecologic tumor was investigated for 4 times (before surgery (T1), after surgery (T2), the first chemotherapy (T3), and the third chemotherapy (T4). Results In different stages the SCL-90 total score and each factor comparison of 101 caregivers in patients had statistical significance (P<0. 05);the correlation of SCL-90 total score in the four time points with family economy and degree of disease for patients had statistical significance. In T2 point the correla-tion of SCL-90 total score with caregivers' culture degree was statistically significant. Each point disease degree of patients entered the regres-sion equation, and the mental health status of the display and caregivers were associated independently. Caregivers′ cultural degree in T2 point entered the regression equation, ans family economy in T4 point entered the regression equation. Conclusion Medical personnel should attach importance to physical and mental health of primary caregivers of gynecological cancer patients, so as to formulate corresponding measures to promote their physical and mental health from all aspects affecting the psychological health level.
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