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Journal Articles
Effects Of Shen-Xiong Injection And Kallidinogenase On Renal Function In Early Diabetic Ne-phropathy
Pages: 1522-1524
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Journal of Clinical Research

Keyword:  LIGUSTICUM CHUANXIONG/TUGlucose/TUGINSENG△/TUINJECTIOTabletsEnteric-CoatedDiabetic Nephropathies/DTKallidin/AD;
Abstract: [Objective]To explore the clinical efficacies of Shen-xiong injection plus kallidinogenase on proteinu-ria in patients with early diabetic nephropathy.[Methods]An exploratory study was performed for 72 diabetic ne-phropathy (DN)patients at our hospital between January 2013 and December 2014.They were randomly divided into two groups.Two groups received conventional therapy.The control group had Shen-xiong injection while the treat-ment group received both kallidinogenase and Shen-xiong injection.And the serum levels werecreatinine,blood urea nitrogen and urinary protein excretion were compared after treatment.[Results]After treatment,urinary protein ex-cretion was significantly lower than that pre-treatment and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).U-rinary protein excretion in treatment group was significantly lower than that in control group (P <0.05).[Conclu-sion]The combined use of Shen-xiong injection plus kallidinogenase can reduce urinary protein and protect renal func-tion during early diabetic nephropathy.
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