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Quality Control of Compound Sodium Lactate Injection No. 2
Author(s): Deng Zhaohui, Hu Wenjun, Li Aihong
Pages: 57-
Year: 2015
Journal: China Pharmaceuticals
Keyword: ComPound Sodium Lactate Injection No. 2; sodium lactate; sodium chloride; Potassium chloride;
Abstract: Objective To imProve the the quality control standard of ComPound Sodium Lactate Injection No. 2. Methods The content determination method of sodium lactate was amended. A method of Atomic AbsorPtion SPectroPhotometry ( AAS ) for determination Potas-sium chloride was established. The content of sodium chloride was obtained by calculation. Results Sodium lactate showed excellent linearity at the range of 0. 031 1~0. 776 5 g/mL,0. 135 3~4. 059 μg/mL,0. 928~5. 568 g/L. The average recoveries were 99. 81%( RSD=0. 48%,n=9 ) ,100. 01% ( RSD=0. 96%,n=9 ) ,98. 78% ( RSD=0. 31%,n=9 ) resPectively. Conclusion According to the result of method verification,sodium lactate,Potassium chloride and sodium chloride of ComPound Sodium Lactate Injection No. 2 could be assayed.
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