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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
On the Culinary Culture of Laos
Pages: 7-11,17
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Journal of Chuxiong Normal University

Keyword:  LaosSoutheast Asiaculinary cultureChinaFrance;
Abstract: Laos is the only one of the ten ASEAN nations that does not have an inch of coastline.Its culinary culture is influenced by those of China, France, Thailand and Vietnam.In other words, its culi-nary is a combination of the eastern and the western.Having a recorded history of exchange with China and other southeastern Asian counties of more than two thousand years, its politics, economy, science, cul-ture, religion and custom are greatly influenced by its neighbors, especially those of China as China is close to Laos and has been superior in resources, culture, technology, agriculture, crops growing, food materials, cooking technology, utensils and culinary habits.It is important to devote some attention to the structure and characteristics of the culinary culture of Laos as it is an important trading partner of China and a country covered in the One Belt and One Road program.
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