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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research on Image Recognition Technology for the Network Content Security
Pages: 154-157
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: Netinfo Security

Keyword:  image recognitionnetwork content securitydeep learning;
Abstract: With the rapid development of network technology, a variety of illegal images spread suddenly in the network, which endangers the network content security seriously. From the reality of network security in this paper, aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional text ifltering technology, this paper point out the importance of the image recognition technology for ifltering the illegal and bad information. The paper analyzes and summarizes some kinds of recognition technologies of the illegal images, and discusses the application scene of each technology. Finally, combining with the essence of image recognition problems, the paper indicate that deep learning is the development trend of the image recognition technology in the future, and discuss how to use convolution neural network instead of the traditional method to recognize the illegal images.
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