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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research progress in low grade energy generation systems
Pages: 8-13
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Thermal Power Generation

Keyword:  low grade energypower generation systemorganic Rankine cycleorganic mediumsolar ener-gyphotovoltaic-thermal utilization;
Abstract: The work principles and characteristics of four thermal power generation approaches which are suitable to low grate energy are presented,including the organic Rankine circulation (ORC),Kalina cycle, temperature differential power generation and thermoacoustic power generation.The effects of organic Rankine circulation fluids on performance of the power generation system and conversion efficiency of the thermoacoustic power generation system are analyzed.A great prospect for the comprehensive application of solar energy is pointed out after discussion of the features and drawbacks of those power generation ap-proaches.The efficient utilization scheme for solar cell waste heat is proposed,namely the organic Rankine circulation system combing photovoltaic power generation with thermal generation.The two phase booster device in this system can convert the solar cell's waste heat into power output of the hydraulic turbine,thus to realize energy conversion from solar energy to electric energy.A higher application efficiency of solar en-ergy is expected.
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