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Journal Articles
Discussion on construction technology of self-compaction concrete for CRTS Ⅲ slab-type ballastless track on Zhengzhou-Xuzhou passenger-dedicated railway
Pages: 105-108
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Railway Engineering

Keyword:  High-speed railwayCRTSⅢslab-type ballastless trackSelf-compaction concreteConstruction technology;
Abstract: According to the adjustment layer structure characteristic of CRTS Ⅲ slab-type ballastless track in high-speed railway,the performance control index,perfusion pattern,track slab compress process parameters,the overflow-control pipe height and curing ways of self-compaction concrete ( SCC ) were studied based on a large number of perfusion tests. The results showed that collapse spread of SCC is 650 mm and the perfusion effect of middle hole is the best,the number of compress device straight line section is 4 and the number of curve section is 5 for each track slab,the suitable moment value of each nut is 80 N·m,which is exerted by torque wrench,the height of overflow-control pipe should be 50 cm,and the appropriate curing way for SCC is curing agent.
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