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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
pu tao shu yang fen xi shou te xing yan jiu
Pages: 23-28
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Rain Fed Crops

Keyword:  Grape treeNutrient contentAccumulationAnnual change;
Abstract: Objective]The aim was to find out the nutrient absorption, utilization and accumulation in grape tree, and to provide a reasonable fertilizer rate and application periods, in order for best nutrient management in grape production. [Method] Field experiments were conducted in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province for analyzing yearly biomass, potassium content and its accumulation at different parts of grape trees (Red globe) which were cultivated about 7 years. [Result]During one year growing period, the biomass of the grape trees increased by 12.4 t/hm2, and the fruit production was 18 t/hm2. Nitrogen (N) accumulation was 97.1 kg N/hm2, 39%of which was taken up during new shoots flourishing period and 30.5%during the fruit growing period. Phosphorus (P) accumulation was 33.1 kg/hm2, 47.0%of which was taken up during the fruit growing period. Potassium (K) accumulation was 140.5 kg/hm2, 27.5%and 45.8%of which was taken up during the new shoots flourishing period and fruit growing period. [Conclusion]To attain 1 000 kg economic yield, grape tree should uptake N 4.05 kg, P2O5 1.84 kg, K2O 7.8 kg. Nutrient recommendation of N-P2O5-K2O based on the study was 129.5-55.1-175.6 kg/hm2.
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