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Automatic generation technology of calculation reports during the ship design process based on PDM
Author(s): ZHU Jiawen, XIAO Peng'an
Pages: 16-
Year: 2015
Journal: Chinese Journal of Ship Research
Keyword: CAD; calculation report; automatic generation; template; ship design;
Abstract: The conventional approaches to compile the calculation report for vessels are both tedious and have potential quality issues. Aiming at the problem, a new automatic generating system of the calculation report is presented in this paper, based on PDM and utilizing the data exchanging technologies in Office software. Particularly, the criterions in vessels are embedded into the templates of calculation reports, with the help of informational technologies. Meanwhile, the online editing function of Office software is used to establish the open management frame of the calculation reports in PDM based on templates, which success?fully achieves the interaction between the data of calculation reports and the data of PDM in real time. The proposed online system will significantly enhance the calculation precision and efficiency of the designing process, and build a solid foundation for the equipment configuration as well as the preliminary scheme for?mation. Plus, this system will strengthen the quality control in the designing process of vessels and precipi?tate the knowledge of designing.
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