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Journal Articles
Seroma volume change on cone-beam CT during whole breast irradiation for early-stage breast cancer after breast conservative surgery
Pages: 679-681,682
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Zhengzhou Univeristy(Medical Sciences)

Keyword:  cone-beam CTearly-stage breast cancerwhole breast irradiationseroma;
Abstract: Aim:To evaluate the clinical value of cone-beam CT in assessing the seroma volume change during whole breast irradiation for early-stage breast cancer after breast conservative surgery .Methods:A total of 32 early-stage breast cancer patients who received breast conservative surgery generating seroma and underwent cone -beam CT scans and conven-tional CT scans at both the initial and the last time of whole breast irradiation were collected .Two senior radiation oncolo-gists contoured seroma on all scans.Seroma volume change, seroma clarity score(SCS), and conformity index(CI) were further examined.Results:The difference in seroma volume change between cone-beam CT [(17.5 ±7.8) cm3 ] and conventional CT [(17.7 ±7.7) cm3] were not statistically significant(tpaired =1.939, P=0.062).SCS of cone-beam CT was not statistically consistent with SCS of conventional CT (Kappa=0.293, P=0.005).SCS of cone-beam CT was posi-tively correlated with SCS of conventional CT (rS =0.848, P<0.001).CI of cone-beam CT was correlated with CI of con-ventional CT(rP =0.882, P<0.001).CI was positively correlated with SCS on cone-beam CT(rS=0.843, P<0.001). When SCS was more than 3 on cone-beam CT, CI was higher than 0.60.Conclusion:Cone-beam CT could detect the se-roma volume change during whole breast irradiation for early-stage breast cancer after breast conservative surgery , especially for SCS≥3.
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