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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Condition and Countermeasure Research on Cultural Brand Construction of Wuxi Embroidery in the Micro Age
Pages: 114-115
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education

Keyword:  Micro AgeWuxi EmbroiderySubtle EmbroideryCultural Brand;
Abstract: Wuxi is a beautiful ancient city south of Yangtze River with the unique humid climate which promotes the development of silk.Its inspired Wu culture creates exquisite emotion of Wuxi embroidery.Wuxi belongs to Wu in ancient times.Wuxi embroidery already has a history of more than2000 years according to the relevant literature of Wu embroidery,which has a rich cultural heritage.But affected by the mode of transmission and other factors,Wuxi embroidery did not get much support from the public.Faced with multiple difficulties,the use of the Internet micro platform is especially important to the promotion of Wuxi embroidery techniques,the propagation of Wu culture and trade online.
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