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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Experimental Study on Time-dependent Strength and Deformation of Structured Marine Soft Soil
Pages: 919-925
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering

Keyword:  time-dependentshear strengthconsolidationrespective loadingstructure characteristics;
Abstract: In order to analyze the strength characteristics and deformation characteristics of marine soft soil from the Tianjin region under different consolidation pressures,consolidation times and with different structures,the onedimensional consolidation test at different consolidation pressures and different consolidation times is carried out,then the miniature vane shear test of the undisturbed sample and reconstituted sample after consolidation is carried out. The results show that,in short time consolidation,the strength and deformation had obvious time-dependence characteristics and were influenced significantly by the structure of soft soil; while in long time consolidation,the strength and deformation of soil with consolidation pressure and consolidation time showed attenuated growth,and its influence by structure reduced over time. The long-term strength is related to initial stength,consolidation pressure and time. It increases with the initial strength and the cosolidation pressure,up to a peak then falls with time.
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