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Synthesis of silica/metatitanic acid nanocomposite and evaluation of its catalytic performance for aquathermolysis reaction of extra-heavy crude oil
Author(s): Xueliang Liu, Yiguang Li, Zhijun Zhang, Xiaohong Li, Mengyun Zhao, Changming Su, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Special Functional Materials, Henan University, Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Production, SINOPEC
Pages: 472-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
Keyword: SiO2/H2TiO3 nanocomposite; Catalytic aquathermolysis; Heavy oil; Viscosity reduction;
Abstract: A lipophilic silica/metatitantic acid(denoted as Si O2/H2 TiO 3) nanocomposite was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction with surface-modified Si O2 as the lipophilic carrier. As-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3nanocomposite was used as a catalyst to promote the aquathermolysis reaction of extra-heavy crude oil thereby facilitating the recovering from the deep reservoirs at lowered temperature. The catalytic performance of the as-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3catalyst for the aquathermolysis reaction of the heavy oil at a moderate temperature of 150 °C was evaluated in relation to the structural characterizations by TEM,FTIR,XRD and FESEM as well as the determination of the specific surface area by N2adsorption–desorption method. Findings indicate that as-synthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3nanocomposite exhibits an average size of about 20 nm as well as good lipophilicity and dispersibility in various organic solvents; and it shows good catalytic performance for the aquathermolysis reaction of the extra-heavy oil extracted from Shengli Oilfield of China. Namely,the assynthesized Si O2/H2 TiO 3catalyst is capable of significantly reducing the viscosity of the tested heavy oil from58,000 c P to 16,000 c P(referring to a viscosity reduction rate of 72.41%) at a mass fraction of 0.5%,a reaction temperature of 150 °C and a reaction time of 36 h,showing potential application in downhole upgrading heavy crude oils.
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