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Safety hazard analysis and countermeasures in nursing of elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases
Author(s): YUE Li-hua, LIU Yu-hua, ZHANG Shou-de
Pages: 77-
Year: 2015
Journal: Central Plains Medical Journal
Keyword: Department of cardiovascular; Potential safety hazard; Safety precautions;
Abstract: Objective To analyze the corresponding countermeasures dealing with potential safety hazard for elder-ly patients with cardiovascular diseases. Methods One hundred and thirty-one hospitalized elderly patients with cardiovas-cular diseases treated in Binzhou central hospital from 2009 to 2011 were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among all the elderly patients,sleep disorder accounting for 51. 1% ,accident harm accounting for 4. 6% ,adverse drug reactions ac-counting for 7. 6% ,burn accounting for 1. 5% ,breathing disorders after defecation accounting for 1. 5% ,and emotional caused by waiting too long accounting for 2. 3% . Conclusions Sleep disorder is common in the elderly patients with car-diovascular diseases,we should focus on health education,improve the relationship between nurses and patients.
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