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Journal Articles
Ultrasonic Coupling Extraction with Ethanol Ammonium Sulfate Aqueous Two-Phase System of Licorice Flavonoids in Research
Pages: 101-104
Year: Issue:  14
Journal: Food Research and Development

Keyword:  ultrasonic extractionaqueous two-phase systemslicoriceflavonoidsorthogonal test;
Abstract: Liquorice as raw material, ultrasonic-ammonium sulfate aqueous two-phase system coupled with ethanol extraction flavonoids of glycyrrhiza powder. By single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment was carried out optimum conditions of licorice flavonoids. Results showed that the use of ultrasound - ammonium sulfate aqueous two-phase system coupled with ethanol extraction and separation of licorice flavonoids best process conditions for: solid-liquid ratio rising 1 : 35; Alcohol water ratio of 0.7 : 1. The quality of the ammonium sulfate concentration of 0.25 g/mL, extracting time 40 mins. In this condition, the licorice flavonoids extraction rate was 1.96%. Extraction efficiency by using double water phase system extraction was higher than that of conventional ultrasonic extraction.
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