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Journal Articles
On Teachers' Morality Construction from the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development in Transition Peri-od:Problems and Countermeasures
Pages: 17-18
Year: Issue:  22
Journal: Education Science & Culture Magazine

Keyword:  scientific outlook on developmentteachers' moralityproblemscountermeasures;
Abstract: During the period of social transformation, because of the impact of economic diversification and the value pluralism, the teachers' ethics appeared some tendency and problems that can not be ignored. In order to form a good teachers' ethics in colleges, we must understand the social, economic, and cultural characteristics in transformation period, and with the scientific development concept as a guide, strengthen the people-oriented and teacher-oriented humane education mode, and take teachers' morality construction as a long-term and basic task of college construction and development. Only when we realize"five com-binations" of teachers' morality construction, and promote the formation of good school spirit and style of study with good pro-fessional ethics, can we realize the comprehensive and sustain-able development of colleges.
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