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Journal Articles
Research Status of ACL Injury and Rehabilitation Measures
Pages: 601-603
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Journal of Hubei Sports Science

Keyword:  injurytreatmentrehabilitation;
Abstract: Objective: To understand the mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, explore the treatment and rehabilitation measures, and lay the foundation for the research of some better rehabilitation means in the future. Methods: Consulting related literatures through the CNKI and Pubmed database. Results and conclusion: ACL injuries are caused by hyperextension or strong outreach of knees. If ACL hurts, the knee will be abnormal. And ODonoghue triad often occurs. 80% of knee ligament surgeries are the ACL surgery. What is more, there would be terrible sequela after surgery. With people paying more attention to ACL injury, rehabilitation measures after surgery have developed quickly, and it shows that the influence of the team which uses the new means of rehabilitation is significantly superior to the control team.
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