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Journal Articles
Studies on the thermal response of power distribution box in fire situation
Pages: 96-100
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Fire Safety Science

Keyword:  Low power distribution boxInsulation board thicknessFire situationThermal response;
Abstract: The thermal conduction in low power distribution box used in buildings in fire situation is analyzed .In terms of the temperature resistance requirement for exhaust fans in codes ,the thickness of the insulation board for the power distribution box in a 280℃ situation is estimated .The temperature resistance tests for power distribution box were conducted in a cabin . The gasoline pool fire with a heat release rate of 700 kW was used as the fire source .The temperature rises on the inner and outside board of box were measured for power distribution box with and without insulation board .The temperature variation on the inner and outside board of box in fire situation is analyzed .The requirement of the insulation board thickness for the power distribution box in a 280℃ situation is verified .
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