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Journal Articles
Effect of Vanadium and Titanium on Microstructure and Properties of Gray Cast Iron Automobile Brake Drum
Pages: 50-52+56
Year: Issue:  13
Journal: Hot Working Technology

Keyword:  gray cast ironwear resistancegraphitebrake drumvanadium;
Abstract: The effects of vanadium and titanium on the microstructure and properties of gray cast iron automobile brake drum were studied. V and Ti are strong carbide forming elements. The diffusion of carbon and the growth of graphite were hindered. By metallographic and mechanical performance test on two kinds of brake drum, the results show that less and shorter A-type graphite and more D-type graphite can be obtained, when adding 0.17% V and 0.08% Ti to gray cast iron. At the same time, vanadium and titanium carbides can refine the grain structure and strengthen the matrix. The strength and wear resistance of gray cast iron can be improved significantly. The performance of the brake drum can be greatly improved.
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