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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Financial Variety Trend Prediction Technology Based on ARIMA Model
Pages: 11-14,19
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Computer Technology and Development

Keyword:  time seriesauto-regressive integrated moving average modelsteadyfinancial products recommendedprediction of model;
Abstract: The use of data mining based on historical data of financial products can predict the trend of the financial variety,and it has wide application value and market prospects. According to the application demand of the forecast of the financial variety trend,analyze the characteristics of the time series of the financial variety deeply,and summarize that it not only contains the common characteristics of non-linear,non-stationary and dynamic,but also has the characteristics of high noise and non-normal distribution. Based on autoregressive moving average model,establish the forecasting model of the trend of the financial varieties,and verify the validity of the model and accu-racy of prediction on the basis of the actual data. The autoregressive moving average model can be used to dynamic analysis and make a short-term prediction of financial products.
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