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The Ethnic Groups Cultural Values Based on the Vision of Modernity
Author(s): NA La
Pages: 102-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
Keyword: modernity; the ethnic cultural values; cultural carrier;
Abstract: The construction of modernity represents a series of new form of practice and system, there-fore, there is no lack of social culture in modernity study.Ethnic values reflect the ethnic group culture, a survival philosophy in the real world.For the modern power, each ethnic group is faced with a question that how to correctly treat their own cultural value orientation.The impact of the modernity of ethnic cul-tural values main show is:ethnic groups cultural values, in fact, become subservient to the market econ-omy;the value of local knowledge from the livelihood center of ethnic groups get marginalized.In cultural interactions, the subjectivity construction of ones own culture, rather than the elimination of other cul-tures, is the cultural value orientation of ethnic groups.
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