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High-Temperature Composting of Mixtures of Chicken Manure and Coconut Husk Different in C/N Ratio
Author(s): DONG Cunming, ZHANG Man, DENG Xiaoken, QIN Haili, ZHAO Yan, LIU Xiaoyu, RUAN Yunze
Pages: 420-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
Keyword: chicken manure; coconut husk; C/N ratio; composting;
Abstract: In high?temperature composting experiments, mixture of chicken manure and coconut husk was used as basic raw materials. The experiments were designed to explore effect of C/N ratio, controlled by regulating proportions of chicken manure and coconut husk in the mixture, on some physical?chemical indices of the material under composting, i.e., tem?perature, pH, C/N ratio and total nutrients, in an attempt to find the most proper C/N ratio of the raw material for high?temperature composting. Results show that when the mixture was 25 in initial C/N ratio and reached as high as 57℃dur?ing 14 days of composting, the composts in all the treatments showed declining trends in C/N ratio and contents of organic matter and TC;but in pH, they went up in the first 8 days and down toward the end of the composting;TN and IG( seed germination index) increased during the process. At the end of composting, Treatments F1 (20 in initial C/N ratio), Treatment F2 ( 25 in initial C/N ratio) and Treatment F3 ( 30 in initial C/N ratio) was 11?13, 11?19 and 10?24, respec?tively, in C/N ratio;7?94%, 8?63% and 8?29%, respectively, in content of total nutrient and 77?90%, 100?65% and 93?30%, respectively in IG .
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