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Journal Articles
Preparation and Characterization of Heat Resist Silicone Resin Containing Reactive End Group
Pages: 165-167
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Electronics Process Technology

Keyword:  Controllable hydrolysisLiquid silicon resinPolysiloxaneson;
Abstract: Order to adapt the increasing electronics integration brought about by doubling the heating power the composite materials are increasingly demanding high temperature resistance. Also require good electrical properties and stability of the material for the reliability of the control components. This research used triethoxysilane which contains a double bond for preparing preplymer of liquid silicon resin with the way of controllable hydrolytic condensation. After curing achieved temperature resistance matrix resin. The result of IR spectrum approved the correctness of molecular designing and thermodynamic tests show that resins have high temperature resistance. The resin can meet the needs of the domestic high temperature resistant matrix material. The resin can be applied to the aviation, aerospace vehicles and microelectronics fi elds as a high temperature protective coating.
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