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Evaluation on fungal community structure of rhizosphere soils of potato under rotation and continuous cropping systems in Yellow River Irrigation Areas of Middle Gansu Province
Author(s): LIU Xing, QIU Huizhen, WANG Di, ZHANG Junlian, SHEN Qirong, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Gansu Provincial Key Lab of Aridland Crop Science, Gansu Agricultural University, College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University
Pages: 3938-
Year: 2015
Journal: Acta Ecologica Sinica
Keyword: potato; rotation and continuous cropping; fungal community structure; microbial diversity;
Abstract: The yellow river irrigation areas of middle Gansu Province is one of the main processing potato growing regions in the Northwest China. Potato is often grown continuously by Gansu farmers and planting enterprises eager to maximize consecutive payoffs. This practice results in the severe decline in tuber yield and loss of tuber chemical qualities. Field studies was conducted to evaluate the differences in fungal community structure of rhizosphere soils of potato between rotation and continuous cropping systems in order to find the new evidence for the study on continuous cropping obstacle inYellow River Irrigation Areas of Middle Gansu Province. In experimental site,three potato planting plots nearby each other were selected for this research,one is the rotation plot,namely,non continuous potato cropping,and two other plots had been continuously planted potato over 3 and 6 years,respectively. Rhizosphere soil samples were collected at 2011 potato harvest time,and then soil DNA was extracted. Subsequently,polymerase chain reaction( PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis( DGGE) was performed to analyse fungal community structure. The results revealed that continuous potato cropping significantly decreased tuber yield and plant biomass compared with potato rotation,and more seriously with the continuous potato cropping duration. In addition,continuous potato cropping over long- term significantly increased the ratio of root to shoot and also caused the decline in economic productivity of potato crop. There were no significant differences in fungal population quantity and diversity indices of rhizosphere soils between rotation and continuous cropping systems,whereas the obvious shift in community structure occurred. Sequence analysis of fungal 18 SrDNA gene confirmed that continuous potato cropping increased population quantity or individual number of Fusarium sp. and Fusarium solani as well as Verticillium dahliae. Our results suggested that the decline of tuber yield and plant biomass in continuous potato cropping system might be associated with the change in fungal community structure of rhizosphere soils of potato,especially the increase in pathogen dynamic.
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