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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research progress on plant ASR protein
Pages: 625-630
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences

Keyword:  abscisic acid stress ripening proteinabiotic stresssubcellular localizationtranscriptional regulationintrinsically disordered protein;
Abstract: Abscisic acid stress ripening(ASR) protein is only found in plant kingdom up to now. ASR gene was expressed not only in ripening fruit, but also induced by ABA and stresses in vegetable tissues. This review summarizes the cloning, characterization, evolution and expression pattern of ASR gene, the amino acid composition and subcellular localization of ASR protein. Especially, the role and molecular mechanism of ASR protein in abiotic-stresses resistance are analyzed to provide new insight for applying ASR protein in agriculture.
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