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Journal Articles
Microstructure Evolvement Law of TC11 Titanium Alloy During Hot Compression Deformation
Pages: 65-67
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Hot Working Technology

Keyword:  TC11titanium alloythermal-plasticitymicrostructure and property;
Abstract: Hot compression simulation experiment of TC11 titanium alloy was performed at deformation temperature of 1030-1120℃, strain-rate of 0.001-1.0 s-1 and deformation degree of 50%. The law of stress-strain curve of TC11 titanium alloy was analyzed. The influences of deformation temperature, strain-rate and deformation degree on microstructure and properties were also analyzed. The results show that: when strain rate is smaller, α phase of TC11 titanium alloy is broken, and fine grains are produced in original grain boundary. When strain rate is higher, α phase is fine equiaxed crystal. The lower the deformation temperature is, the more the content of primary α phase is.
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