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MRI Diagnosis of Myxopapillary Ependymoma:8 Cases Report
Author(s): LI Jianrui, CHENG Xiaoqing, LU Zhenfeng, Department of Medical Imaging, Nanjing General Hospital of PLA
Pages: 1044-
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Clinical Radiology
Keyword: Gemistocytic astrocytoma Magnetie resonance imaging;
Abstract: Objective To explore the MRI features and differential diagnosis of gemistocytic astrocytoma(Gem A).Methods MRI manifestations of 8 patients with Gem A confirmed by pathology were reviewed retrospectively.All of the patients underwent MRI plain and contrast-enhancement scan,one of them underwent magnetic susceptibility weighted imaging(SWI) scan.Results All 8 cases of Gem A were supratentorial and solitary.Of these 8 cases,7 cases were located in the lobus frontalis,1 case in the temporal lobe,4 case in the multiple lobar and invaded the opposite brain tissues through corpus callosum.6 cases presented with clear boundary,the other 2 cases have unclear boundary.4 of 8 cases(50%) had cystic changes,of which 1 case appeared large cystic nodules,and the nodules were located nearby the meninx of tumor.The solid part of tumors were isointense or slightly hypointense on T1 WI,isointense or slightly hyperintense on T2 WI,hyperintense or slightly hyperintense on DWI,isointense or hypointense on ADC map,and obviously heterogeneous enhancement on Enhanced MRI..Conclusion MRI manifestations of Gem A have some specificities,which are mainly single,mainly located in the frontal lobe,unclear boundary,mainly cystic malformation,and the opposite tissues can be invaded through corpus callosum with marked enhancement after Gd DTPA injection.
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