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Journal Articles
Research on the Landscape Pattern’s Impact on Water Quality in Baiyangdian Watershed Based on GIS
Pages: 87-95
Year: Issue:  S1
Journal: Journal of Basic Science and Engineering

Keyword:  GISprincipal components factor analysisland usewater qualityBaiyangdian watershed;
Abstract: Landscape pattern does impact on change of water quality in a watershed.With GIS tools the above impacts mentioned could be quantified.In the case of Baiyangdian Watershed,the land use maps of 2002 and 2007 were achieved from TM images by means of human-machine interactive interpretation using adjacent combination classification and manual classification in the Definiens Developer software.The sub-watersheds were divided using the Arcgis tools combined with the hydrology expansion module.After that the landscape indices were calculated using the Fragstats software.Finally the impacts of landscape pattern on water quality were denoted by coefficients gained from principal component analysis and correlation analysis.In conclusions,the increase of forest plays an important role in water quality improvement,while the increasing farmland and construction land in a certain scale could lead to deterioration of water quality.The impact of landscape spatial pattern on water quality in Baiyangdian basin is complex and the water quality in this watershed is more influenced by other physical and social factors.
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