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Journal Articles
Periodical Variation in the Ultrastructure of Cambial Cells in Brossonetia Papyrifera
Pages: 105-111
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Basic Science and Engineering

Keyword:  broussonetia papyriferacambial cellultrastructure;
Abstract: The ultrastructure of cambial cells in Broussonetia papyrifera showed seasonal changes. The cells of dormant cambium contained much small vacuoles, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER), inactive dictyosome and many lipid droplets. As cambium became active, the cells contained mainly one large central vacuole with parietal cytoplasm, rough ER, active dictyosome and few lipids. Starch grains appeared both in the active and dormant stages, but dormant cambial cells contained more starch than that of active stage. Microtublue. ER and mitochondrin speaded out near pit-field at the dormant and active stage of cambium. However, that ray initial cells contained many small vacuoles at active stage was first reported in the dicotyledon.
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