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Journal Articles
Study of rock-burst prevention measures based on controlling the super shear stress
Pages: 453-458
Year: Issue:  S1
Journal: Rock and Soil Mechanics

Keyword:  rock-burststructure of rock masssuper shear stress;
Abstract: The theory of super shear stress is briefly introduced,and the influence of the blasting excavation disturbance on the super shear stress is studied,and then,the rock-burst prevention method based on controlling the super shear stress is advised.Then engineering practices are given.The result shows that the sliding of both sides of fractures can be induced by dynamic excavation disturbance under low super shear stress condition and the super shear stress can also be strengthened by dynamic unloading stress wave during blasting excavation.The two conditions can both lead to rock-burst.So the rock-burst prevention can be carried out based on controlling the excavation disturbance.The measurements include the boreholes arrangement,optimization of initiation network and strengthening the supporting.
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