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Journal Articles
Stability analysis and estimation of slope excavation of Silin Hydropower Station’s navigation lock
Pages: 42-46
Year: Issue:  S1
Journal: Rock and Soil Mechanics

Keyword:  rock slopestage excavationfinite elementslocal factor of safetystability;
Abstract: By use of the ANSYS,the software of finite element structure analysis,a finite element analysis model is set up for slope excavation,and the landform and geological condition and excavation process of Silin Hydropower Station’s navigation lock are simulated in detail.The stress,displacement and factor of safety of slope stability are analyzed under different conditions such as the natural condition,excavation step by step and reinforcement by anchor rod etc.Based on the definition of local factor of safety of element,the distribution of factor of safety of slope stability is obtained for before and after reinforcement during excavation.According to the calculation result,it is shown that the slope is stable under the designed engineering measure and without other reinforcement measure.
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