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Study on the Benefit Mechanism Controlling Agro-eco-economic System
Author(s): Xu Jian(National Land Administrative Bureau)
Pages: 7-
Year: 1994
Journal: Ecological Economy
Keyword: 利益机制; 常规经济建设; 生态经济建设; 常规经济收益; 生态经济收益;
Abstract: Abstract This paper put forward a time selection model, and suggested that the optimum timefor peasant to begin cco-economic construction be the time when common economic incomc lineand eco-economic line intersect,If the government want to begin cco-economic construction be-fore the due date, they can make the two lines intcrsect at the time ahcad by the means of tax andsubsidy to move the relative location of the two lines in the meantime。The papcr also strcssed onthe propaganda work is ofmomentous significance in spreading cco-economic construction。Kcv words Bcncfit mechanism Common cconomic construction Eco-economicconstruction Common cconomic income Eco-economic income
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