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Journal Articles
CSF1 and tumor microenvironment
Pages: 405-412
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chemistry of Life

Keyword:  CSF1tumor microenvironmenttumor-associated macrophage;
Abstract: Tumor microenvironment is a complex ecological environment of tumor cells. Cells co-evolve with the environment, and the environment provides support for tumor cells during the transition to malignancy. Among cells be recruited to the tumor sites, macrophages are the most abundant tumor stromal cells, and they exist during all stages of tumor development, thus are named as tumor-associated macrophage(TAM). CSF1 [colony stimulating factor 1(macrophage)] is recognized as a classic cytokine that promotes tumor progression, and it can recruit macrophages to tumor sites and promote the interaction between tumor cells and macrophages. As a result, many kinds of growth factors that promote tumor development are released from the tumor microenvironment. And ultimately these changes of tumor microenvironment promote the tumor development. In this review, we mainly discuss the recent understanding of the functions of CSF1 in tumor microenvironment, and targeting on the CSF1/CSF1 R signaling could be a purposeful strategy to revise the tumor microenvironment.
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