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Journal Articles
An Experimental Study of Re-Spark Ignition Control in Misfired Combustion Cycle Based on Ion Current Feedback
Pages: 56-61
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Transactions of Csice

Keyword:  homogeneous charge compression ignitionion currentcombustion cycle;
Abstract: In a gasoline HCCI engine and using the ion current sensor,the signals of ion current were detected and combustion loop control experiments were made at the critical condition.The states of normal combustion,partial combustion and misfire are analyzed based on the ion current signal characteristics.A combustion loop control strategy was proposed.The amplitude and integral value of ion current signal are employed as the feedback information.Experimental results show that at the critical condition,both the amplitude and integral value of ion current signal can be used as the judging parameters and applied to close-loop control in combustion.Introduction of re-spark ignition in misfire cycle can reduce hydrocarbon emissions effectively.
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