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Journal Articles
The Spline Boundary Element Method For Reissner’s Plates
Pages: 18-30
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics

Keyword:  Reissner边界元法样条插值边界积分精确解型板Bessel边界效应轴对称问题弯曲问题;
Abstract: Following Hormander’s mechod this paper gives the fundamen al solu ions of Reiss ner’s plaes, which consis of the modified Bessel functions. The boundary unknowns are in erpolated by the B-splines. We still have fine precision even if only less nodes are used. Independently of if he boundary effect the operation is very s able. The displacements and internal forces in any direction at any point of the plae can be calculated directly. In the axisymmetric problems the exact solutions may be obtained.
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