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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
GM crops in India
Pages: 53-57
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University

Keyword:  GM cropsregulatory approvals for GM cropsIndia;
Abstract: Regulatory approval for commercial cultivation of biotech cotton in India was granted in2002.The 2014 cotton growing season saw that approx.95%of acreage planted to cotton was either a single gene or two gene product of cotton.Adoption of Bollgard and BollgardII cotton in India lead to a sea change in the cotton sector,leading to benefits at the farm,farmer and national level.While this has been a big success,India has not commercialized any crop since the commercial release of the GM cotton and this paper will discuss some of the current challenges,the regulatory system and the readiness of the researchers to bring out new products,subject to government approvals.
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