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Journal Articles
NATURAL MODF ANALYSIS OF N BLADES DISC COUPLED SYSTEM——Modal Synthesis of Symmetric Structure with Cnv Group
Pages: 469-481
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics

Keyword:  模态综合NV耦合系统对称系统对称结构模态分析表示论振型有效算法自振频率;
Abstract: By using the modal synthesis technique combined with the representative theory offinite group, an efficient analyzing method is proposed for calculating the dominant andsubdominant modes for a coupled system of symmetrically bladed disc with Cnv group.The superparametric annular element with 2 nodes and 12 degrees of freedom and super-parametric thick shell element with 8 nodes and 40 degrees of freedom are used for thedisc and blade discrete models respectively. Such finite element discrete models can also beemployed in various bladed disc systems. Good agreement between numerical results andexperimental data has been obtained. This shows that the present method is economical incomputation and reliable in use. It is helpful to us for extending the modal synthesis me-thod to symmetric systems with Cn group.
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