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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Pages: 286-290
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)

Keyword:  褐钇铌矿褐铈铌矿稀土矿白云鄂博花岗岩类黑云母花岗岩铁矿床白岗岩碎屑岩矿物组成;
Abstract: The cerium fergusonite referred in this paper was found in the Bayan Obo,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Kegion.It occurs in the ore of Nb,TR dolomite type from Bayan Obo group and associates with dolomite,riebekite,magnetite and other rare earth minerals.This mineral belongs to tetragonal system,brown yellow or brown green in color,luster,grease-vitreous,clear to turbid.The grain size is fine,0.02-0.07 mm in diameter.The X-ray powder pattern was weak.As the cerium fergusonite is heating up to 1000℃ the strongest lines are: 3.133 (10),,2.944(8),2.742(8),1.907(7),1.644(6),1.617(6),1.570(7),1.221(5).The unit cell parameters calculated from X-ray powder data are a0 5.06 A,bo 10.96 A,Co 5.28 A.Microprobe analysis gave Nb2O5 42.94%,∑Ce 11.15%,∑Y 38.65%,ThO2 3.14%,UO21.87%.It is rich in Th but depleted in U.Thus we get the chemical formula as [∑Y0.8,ECe0.18 (Th,U,Ca,Mn,Fe)0.12]1.11 [Nb,Ti]0.93O4.The coordinated pattern of REE shows its richness in∑La-Nd,∑ Sm-Ho but depletion in ∑Zr-Lu.This is in accordance with the country rock.The cerium fergusonite discovered in dolomite not only gives us a new occurrence of cerium fergusonite,but also shows the presence of an independent mineral of yttrium in Bayan Obo.
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