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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Pages: 383-388
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)

Keyword:  液体闪烁计数法放射性碳年代测定乙炔气体地质样品泥炭层样品量长沙马王堆催化剂作用淤泥层;
Abstract: Some data of radiocarbon dating for geological specimens with acetylene gas counting and liquid scintillation counting are given in this paper. The method of sample pretreatment and acetylene preparation as well as the experimental procedures and conditions in benzene synthesis are introduced here. In the counting of liquid scintillation, the decreasing effects of the lead screen on the background resulted from the soft component of cosmic radiation in the detector is considered. The form of sample container and volatility of benzene are also presented here. Finally, the results of radiocarbon dating are listed.
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